
Kate Sheridan is an actor, writer, educator, director, coach, storyteller, comedy nerd, sequin enthusiast, hugging expert, brunch aficionado, mental health advocate, trivia junkie, social justice warrior, shower-singer, living-room-dancer, struggling/striving body positivist, intersectional feminist, hot sauce connoisseur, Harry Potter geek, unlikely and frequently reluctant (but always grateful) yogi/fitness do-er/sometimes instructor, ambling spiritual searcher, people-lover, unapologetic consumer of media both high and lowest-brow, and near constant experiencer, embracer, and over-sharer of weird shit. Her favorite things include Muppets, babies, and dogs, and her current goals include finding a way to pay off her student loans and maybe, just maybe, once all that has passed, achieving a June Squibb-esque late-life professional acting career. (It just seems more fun when you don’t have any fucks left to give, ya know?)

She hopes the content of this blog will not keep her from any paying jobs that would assist with the first of those goals, and can provide references of consummate professionalism from numerous employers as a contrast to said content.